atmosphericExtinction (script)

Usage: [options]

Compute and/or plot atmospheric extinction from physical parameters, as described in Buton et al. (2013A&A...549A...8B), Atmospheric extinction properties above Mauna Kea from the Nearby Supernova Factory spectro- photometric data set. Default extinction parameters correspond to mean Mauna-Kea summit conditions. Each extinction parameter can be specified using option ‘–param value stderr’.

--version show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Rayleigh parameters:
-p PRESSURE, --pressure=PRESSURE
 Surface pressure [(616.0, 2.0) mbar]
Ozone parameters:
-t FILE.fits, –o3template=FILE.fits
Ozone transmission template
-c O3COLUMN, --o3column=O3COLUMN
 Ozone column density [(257.0, 23.0) DU]
Aerosol parameters:
-d DEPTH, --depth=DEPTH
 Aerosol optical depth at 1 micron [(0.0076, 0.0014)]
-a ANGSTROM, --angstrom=ANGSTROM
 Aerosol Angstrom exponent [(1.26, 1.33)]
Output parameters:
Wavelength range [(3200, 10001, 10) A]
-o FILE.txt|fits, –output=FILE.txt|fits
Output table name (.txt|.fits)
-P, --plot Interactive plot
-T, --transmission
 Plot transmission rather than extinction

If you have found this software useful for your research, we would appreciate a reference to the atmospheric extinction of Buton et al. (2013).


Graphical output of -P.